What's needed for Summerization?


The sudden rise in temperature on Lesvos and the fast approach of Ramadan, means we’ve started Summerization a little earlier than planned this year. Here’s how we started our seasonal preparations this week and why your contribution is still so important. 

We've been providing electric fans for our Kara Tepe CampUs residents for three years. We started installations again this week and we’re proud to say that this year, resident volunteers are leading the process both with their expertise and their labour. 

Everyday 4 teams, each made up of 3 resident volunteers and 1 international volunteer, go round to different tents to install the fans. They remove the heater and the cables, and make sure the solar powered fans are connected to the generator as a back up power source. 

Our resident led electronics team are an incredible source of help to the community. Apart from this special summer related task, they're also responsible for turning on and off the generators and fixing electrical problems together with site management. They also helped install all of the heaters for our tents in the winter! 

As responsibilities organically shift over to our CampUs residents themselves, we’re seeing a greater sense of community and care for one another. Our electronics team were the ones who initiated Summerization early, we are told by our coordinator Emma. 

"The weather really changed in the last two weeks, it feels like its gone up 10 degrees,” says Emma. “It was the resident volunteer who came to us to say we should install the fans earlier, because he said people need a place to stay cool during Ramadan” she adds. “Its great to see how responsible the team feels, that they’re looking out for one another.” 

Making sure we have the right resources for our residents isn’t just about supplying them with physical items, it’s about empowering them with the tools to help their neighbours and build their own community. That’s why your donation is so important.  

We simply don't have enough electric fans for all of our residents. Many of those we have at the moment are old and need replacing and we need a whole new supply for our Olive Grove CampUs, that has grown so incredibly since last summer.

Donate now towards Summerization on Lesvos and help our residents lead a dignified and healthy warm season. 

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