World Refugee Week 2020: Every Step Counts


Every step we take moves us closer to creating real impact!

That's why this World Refugee Week, we want to know:

  • What steps will you take in order to support people on the move?
  • How can you turn your steps into a movement that creates real impact?

What is considered to be a 'step' you may ask. Well, a step is anything that helps to support people on the move or elevate your understanding about the situation at hand. A step could be reading a book, watching a TED talk or starting your own fundraiser with your proceeds dedicated to one of our projects. 

This World Refugee Week, step with us at Movement On The Ground to help create positive impact for refugees living in and around camps on the Greek islands, because every step counts!

Visit our new fundraising platform for more information on how you can step with us towards dignity for all! 

Get involved!

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