What we do


Motivated to bring change to the humanitarian field, Movement On The Ground's mission is dignify refugee reception across the globe. How do we do this? With our Camp to campUs philosophy.

What started as a model demonstrating how to transform a refugee camp into a safe, healing and enabling environment, evolved into a mindset and a way of working. Camp to campUs is about being rooted in both refugee and host community to understand needs, wants and ambitions. Why? So refugees empowered. So host communities feel included and valued. So a more holistic solution towards refugee reception can be achieved. You can learn more about our Camp to campUs philosophy here.


  • We work in refugee camps to ensure they are safe, healing and enabling environments.
  • We provide specialised care for unaccompanied minor refugees.
  • We build bridges between refugees and local host communities.
  • We influence policy to ensure for more humane refugee reception practices.
  • We consult other stakeholders on best practices in refugee hospitality.
  • We change the public perception about those forced from their homes.


We work in four locations across Greece. On the islands of Lesvos, Samos and Chios, we work in and around refugee camps implementing our Camp to campUs philosophy. In Athens, we operate safe and healing homes for unaccompanied minors.


In order to fulfil the basic human rights of refugees living in camps, secure and sufficient infrastructure must be in place. Movement On The Ground carries out a diverse range of infrastructure projects across the location we work including; electricity provision, access to dignified showers and toilets, waste management and food provision.


People on the move often experience great trauma and distress as a result of their displacement. Whilst living in camps, studies show they are more likely to experience mental health deterioration. Movement On The Ground has implemented a community-based program in order to provide preventative mental health and wellbeing support to camp residents.


For both the residents living in camps and the local host community, sports provides an opportunity for physical and mental development as well as connectivity. Together with our partners the Barca Foundation and the Cruyff Foundation, we are able to provide sports for refugees and the local community as well as a SPACES program for children with special needs.


A colourful and stimulating environment enhances a sense of safety, creativity and community amongst people. Through programs like community gardening, greening, playgrounds and art, Movement On The Ground aim to enhance the feeling of dignity for residnets. 


When working in midst of a volatile and ever changing situation, emergency situations can arise that require immediate reponse. With a history of filling in the gaps, Movement On The Ground are quick and effective in protecting the residents from intense weather conditions, responding to fire damage and securing shelters.


Educational activities, skills development initiatives and vocational training are important means that help to empower people. Together they combine to create the Movement Academy, helping to build skills that people need for the future and increase the prospects for employment further along their journey.


In Greece, thousands of unaccompanied minors find themselves falling outside the system of protective care. Together with Greek partner, The HOME Project, Movement On The Ground have established three safe and healing homes to house unaccompanied minor girls, minor mothers and their babies and minor boys. 


We envision a global Movement of people, organisations and governing bodies ensuring every human being forced from their home receives a dignified reception.

  • Our ideal situation is for Movement On The Ground to no longer be needed.
  • We want the Camp to campUs philosophy to become the norm in refugee environments. We therefore handover our programs back to the relevant actors.
  • We want to give people the opportunity to develop their talents, skills and potential in order for them to better integrate into their future society. 


We believe in a world where we cease to exist, where we are no longer needed because the people we support have a safe and dignified place to call home. To reach this ideal, we have to take some crucial steps first. 

Read more about our plans  


We have always dared to do things differently. We believe it's our disruptive approach that has enabled us to make real and ipmactful change for people on the move. We plan to apply this on a larger and more sustainable scale in the new year. In the second half of 2021, we plan to take disruptive steps forward with our advocacy. 

More coming soon...