As the days get longer and temperatures rise, the anticipation of summer grows. But throughout this seasonal change, we are reminded that for displaced individuals, families and children, the onset of summer brings on a different reality.
People who have been forced to leave their homes and live in refugee camps on Greek islands such as Lesvos, face a daunting time during the summer months.
With temperatures often surpassing 30°C and soaring up to 40°C, a lack of natural shading around the camp, and inadequate ventilation of the shelters, the heat becomes challenging and leaves the residents exposed to the elements and vulnerable. Additionally, high temperatures often lead to inadequate WASH sanitation facilities, including toilets and washing facilities which amplify hygiene and safety risks for residents.
These difficult conditions not only impact the well-being of camp residents but also strain the resources and capabilities of community volunteers, hindering their ability to provide essential support and make a meaningful impact.
Your support can make a difference. Together, we can provide residents with the resources and assistance needed to endure the summer months within dignified living conditions.
Your donation can:
🪭Improve living conditions for residents- providing the funds needed to distribute summer essentials around the camp.
🛖Create shelter from the heat- providing shading solutions for the whole camp and allowing residents to gather safely.
🧢Empower our volunteers- allowing for summer kits distribution for our community volunteers.
🧽Improve Access to Hygiene - kickstarting a self-maintenance program within the camp.
To meet these targets, our goal is to raise € 30.000.
Your contribution will enhance living conditions, provide shading, clean WASH facilities and enable our CampUs community volunteers to take care of their peers
Your donation of € 25 equips a community volunteer with essential items, including a set of shirts and a hat.
Your donation of € 50 provides essential household supplies, including a fan, cooler box and insect repellents.
Your donation of € 100 provides shading for a community space.
Your donation of € 500 covers the cost of 36 WASH community volunteers for one month
Let's empower the community on Lesvos to Beat the Heat! Donate now to provide cooling solutions and make a meaningful impact 🙌🏽☀️
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