A fundamental shift in the hygiene system in RIC Mavrovouni

"After a long lead up and lots of preparation, it's great to now be able to open these new toilet and shower facilities to residents, aiming to carefully manage them in a way boosts how safe, secure and comfortable they feel accessing them." - Emily, our WASH Coordinator on Lesvos

Sustainable infrastructures in temporary identification and reception centres providing proper sanitation to all residents are a must. The challenge faced over the last year and a half by the refugee community on the Greek islands amid the Covid-19 pandemic was unprecedented. 

Back in December 2020, together with project partners Watershed Foundation and IFRC and with support from Choose Love, our team of community volunteers managed to set up 36 hot shower containers with built-in heaters in RIC Mavrovouni. Thought this solution is the minimum standard of what a dignified living environment entails, our project model aimed at prioritising safety, support and protection of the residents involved. More importantly, it is a community-run project. Ensuring every resident can enjoy warm, clean and safe showers in addition to providing safe access for vulnerable people and women.

Today a fundamental shift in the hygiene system within the camp is seeing the light, expanding our current successful model into a complete sewage network and containerised hygiene facilities including 370 showers and 655 toilets, following the Government's guidelines and EASO standards and connected to the municipal water and sewage network. Supported by UNICEF Greece with funding by the European Union the new facility is now fully operational and ready to provide sustainable access to water and sanitation facilities to all camp residents. Ensuring access to water and sanitation in a safe and more dignified environment. 

"After a long lead up and lots of preparation, it's great to now be able to open these new toilet and shower facilities to residents, aiming to carefully manage them in a way boosts how safe, secure and comfortable they feel accessing them” said Emily, our WASH Coordinator on Lesvos. We’re really pleased to now be an implementing partner of UNICEF. Together with fellow organisation Watershed Foundation, our team of community volunteers on Lesvos will continue working every day to ensure access to appropriate and safely managed toilet and shower facilities for men, women and children in RIC Mavrovouni. In addition to providing technical assistance, coordination and facilitating the operations and maintenance of the facilities. 

Access to safe water and sanitation is an essential human right and so is safety! Together with every actor involved we will continue to advocate not only for sustainable solutions within refugee camps but for a more humane reception, where every human on the move feels safe, included and cared for.

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