Including refugees in the communities where they have found safety after fleeing conflict and persecution is the most effective way to support them in restarting their lives and enable them to contribute to the countries hosting them.
This sits firmly in the foundation of our Camp to CampUs model. Below, we are sharing a few of the programs we are running which aim to bridge the gaps between communities, while also unlocking the potential of the people who have been forced to flee.
It's crucial to understand that they do not choose to leave their homes lightly. They embark on dangerous journeys, often risking their lives, because they have no other choice. The recent, deadliest, shipwreck in Greece is a prime example of the need to come together and create orderly and safe pathways for people forced to flee. They flee in search of hope, peace, and a better future for themselves and their families.
Those forced to flee are not defined by their displacement. They are individuals with unique skills, talents, and ambitions. Despite the adversities they have faced, they possess an unwavering determination to succeed and contribute positively to society.
When we open our hearts and embrace the spirit of compassion, we can create welcoming communities that allow refugees to thrive. By supporting them in rebuilding their lives, we not only empower them but also benefit from their diverse perspectives and experiences.
Let us remember that people who have been forced to flee have so much to offer—through their expertise, entrepreneurship, creativity, and cultural richness. They can enrich the fabric of our societies. By embracing their presence, we strengthen the bonds that unite us as a global community.
On this World Refugee Day, let's stand together in solidarity and show compassion towards our fellow human beings. Let's advocate for policies that protect their rights, amplify their voices, and create opportunities rather than barriers for their successful integration.
Any contribution helps us in our mission to provide a dignified, innovative and sustainable response to the refugee crisis that benefits both refugees and host populations.
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