Today, we are challenged again in our ability to push the “Camp to CampUs” mission forward on the Greek Islands. Alongside other NGOs, our staff has been denied access to Lesvos and Samos camps pending new administrative regulations impacting our Greek NGO registration process.
Last week, the teams on the ground worked hard to safeguard a smooth transition of our ongoing programs and activities on Lesvos and Samos during our temporary absence. We are thankful for the cooperation with partner NGOs and with RIC management for the constructive dialogue in this matter.
But above all else, we are thankful to our resident community volunteers who continue to run daily programmes in the camp, standing up to the challenge of self-management.
While we remain connected with the resident population inside the reception centres, we see this as a moment of proof for our “camp to campUs” model, where activities can operate without our physical presence – a durable situation we have always worked towards.
We believe that, together with our community volunteers, we will come out of this situation wiser and stronger.
Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the support we have received from our followers during this time. We will keep you updated in case of developments.
Movement on the Ground
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