Five Movement Moments: #WithAfghansWeStand, DIMO, FutbolNet, Shadings and Showers


Looking back over the last week and a few moments of connectivity we shared with the communities we work with and for on the Greek islands, despite the challenges they live through and their worries.

This week, following the unfolding situation in Afghanistan, we launched our #WithAfghansWeStand campaign in support of the Afghan community on the Greek islands. This in an effort to amplify their voices over the coming weeks useing our communication channels as a platform, to show the world their strength and determination. Join the Movement by sharing an inspiring story, image, selfie, art or poem with the same hashtag.

On Lesvos, we continued our DIMO programme with three participants on board this week. DIMO aims to enable the empowerment of adult men by creating awareness of their inner coping mechanisms, skill set and strengths.

Also on Lesvos, up to 80 children continue to enjoy the daily FutbolNet sports sessions powered by Barça Foundation  Two of these sessions are being held in the Spanos field and another in the Cruyff Court by Cruyff Foundation within the camp.

In RIC Lesvos, with thanks to your support, our team of community and visiting volunteers were able to install up to 36 additional shading nets during the last week. Despite the temperatures drop in Greece, the weather remains hot and enable the community to stay safe and protected is a must.

This week the 150,000th shower took place since the installation of the Hot Shower Project in RIC Lesvos. Though sustainable and humane solutions are what the community longs for, these basic showers were able to deliver much needed relief amidst major gaps in the camp limiting the residents from accessing essential needs.

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