Meet Tawab from Afghanistan: Our cultural mediator on the Greek islands

“If no one raises the voice, advocates and helps, these Afghans won’t have the same chance that I had in having a safe life and a better future.” Tawab Kheirkhah from Afghanistan and our cultural mediator on the Greek islands.

At one point in his life, Tawab realised that there’s much more to life than waiting for the better days to come. He then decided to travel in search of safer and a brighter future himself. In 2019, he made his way to Greece where he decided to stay as his family moved to Germany two months ago.

“This was the first time in my life that I felt such a relief. That I am cared for like I am today. It’s a feeling I wish for every human, especially for refugees and asylum seekers", he says. What Tawab is not able to tolerate is the fact that, today, the dream of every fellow Afghan has all of a sudden come to an end. 

“No child and no woman will get to know the meaning of freedom and proper education from now on. Education itself was the biggest hope to rebuild the country. Even freedom of speech is threatened. It is one of the biggest achievements Afghanistan has had in the last 20 years. This is sad, sad!”.

Tawab calls on every human to join him, us, in raising the voice and in advocating for the Afghan community. “It may be difficult or even impossible to change this tragic reality in Afghanistan but I beg everyone to advocate for the rights of the Afghans in-waiting, on the Greek islands or anywhere else in the world, to be given this chance. A chance of a normal life. A chance to be safe and included. They need it more than anytime before.”

A humane and holistic solution feels out of reach at this moment as violence across #Afghanistan escalates. But together, we can stand in solidarity and advocate for the Afghan community. For their rights. For their talents. Their skills. Their hopes. Their dreams.

Over the coming weeks, we will continue to amplify the voices of Afghans. We will use our communication channels as a platform for those who need it most right now. To show the world the strength and determination of the Afghan people.

Join the Movement by sharing an inspiring story, image, selfie, art or poem with #WithAfghansWeStand. 

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