Moria Hotspot Emergency Status Update


It’s been almost five months since we declared a state of emergency for Europe’s largest refugee camp; Moria hotspot.

Back in August 2019 - when the official declaration was made - over 10,000 people were residing in almost unliveable conditions in and around Moria camp and the new arrivals to Lesvos averaged 100+ people daily. There was a lack of shelter, a lack of medical aid and a lack of protection in and around the camp.

Today, we unfortunately must announce that the situation in and around Moria camp has in many ways worsened. The amount of new arrivals to Lesvos has exponentially increased and Moria hotspot is now ‘home’ to over 19,000 men, women and children. The camp is suffering from severe overcrowding which is placing a huge pressure on residents and also on all stakeholders present in and around the camp. It should also be mentioned that the severe winter weather conditions have also taken their toll.

Our Olive Grove and Moria Manager Ali Shams Eddin shares his thoughts on the current situation and how you can help us provide support to the residents of Moria hotspot.

While the situation has worsened, thanks to your support and investment we at Movement On The Ground have and are doing everything in our power to alleviate some of the pressures that Moria hotspot and its residents are currently facing. We are full speed ahead on the construction of a new zone in the Olive Groves, we are distributing necessities and supplies to residents living in our zones and we are relocating families from summer tents to larger, more stable shelters. But we need and want to do more!

As the state of emergency has carried into 2020, we want to ask you to continue to support our efforts and our mission. We want to continue to provide for the people living in dire conditions in and around Moria camp and that is only possible with the investment of you, our Movers.

Click here to make your New Year’s contribution and from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

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